Historic slip-way in the Warsaw port demolished

Over century-old slip-way in the Czerniakowski Port in Poland’s capital, Warsaw has been demolished. During renovation works, conducted by the Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa Wodnego (Hydroengineering Company), without the investors (Warsaw’s City Hall) knowledge and in disregard to preservation recommendations part of the pavement on the south side of the rampart has been completely dismantled. Capital city’s Heritage Office has stopped all work in the Port after  being alarmed by the activists from the “Ja, Wisła” foundation.

Slip-way before the demolition (by TVN Warszawa)
Slip-way before the demolition (by TVN Warszawa)

The slip-way is listed in the community’s monument list. It remained a not modernised element of the western shore of the Czerniakowski Port, that is located on the Eastern shore of Vistula in the middle of Warsaw. Except few other elements it remained the only part of the port that was built before WWII and remained undamaged.

Demolished slip-way (by TVN Warszawa)
Demolished slip-way (by TVN Warszawa)
Slip-way before demolition (by TVN Warszawa)

(after TVN Warszawa)

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