Remains of a women, living 1600 years ago were discovered in an area called Tlailotlacan, near ancient ruins of Teotihuacan in Mexico. The teeth of the skeleton’s skull were encrusted with mineral stones and the skull shows signs of intentional deformation. Experts from the National Anthropology and History Institute determined that the woman was between 35-40 years old at the time of death and was probably of high status in the local society. The individual dubbed “The Woman from Tlailotlacan” was buried with 19 jars that served as offerings.

Her cranium was intentionally deformed by elongating through compression in a very extreme manner. It was a technique commonly used in the southern part of the Mesoamerica. A distinctive feature of the skull were also modifications of the teeth. Two round pyrite stones were encrusted in her top front incisor teeth. It was a technique used in Mayan regions in southern Mexico and Central America. Also a prosthetic lower tooth made of a green serpentine stone was mounted in the jawbone.

(after PhysOrg)