Previously unknown archaeological features were discovered in the remote area of Le Pianelle in the Tappino Valley in the Apennines, region of Molise, Italy. The discovery was made through aerial photographs made by drones.

The find was made by remotely programmed quadrocopter drones, set to fly over areas where previous field survey discovered artefacts. In a repeated cycle of flight conducted since 2013 drones helped to reveal what appears to be the remains of several likely related archaeological complexes. The previously discovered artefacts suggest their dating the Classical to Late Roman period spanning from about the 5th century BC to the 7th century AD. Some of the sites are suggested to be settlements connected with ancient temples, such as previously discovered in this area. Previous to this finds the temples were believed to be located remotely, away from communities. The new research showed that in fact they are located at the centre of dense, rural settlements.

(after Live Science)