The three sarcophagi recently discovered in Kemer village in Turkey’s Çanakkale province’s Biga district were opened and closer examined by museum officials.

The sarcophagi were discovered after a water pipe broke down and construction workers came to conduct repair. The discovery was made two kilometres away from a necropolis of the ancient city of Parion. Two of the tombs were opened and gold jewellery was found in one of them.

A handful of gold beads, a ring, three golden objects the size of bullets, two broaches and a mirror were among the artefacts discovered in the tombs. Further examination of the findings is scheduled. Gendarmes were placed at the site to prevent any possible looting. The owner of the field, İsmail Güler, said that he never expected such historical artefacts would be found in his land and hopes that the find will benefit the community.

The last sarcophagus is expected to be opened tomorrow.
(after Hurriyet Daily News & Daily Sabah)