The team of archaeologists investigating the ancient site of Petra in Jordan discovered two marble statues of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, one accompanied by Cupid. The statues are said to be absolutely exquisite in its form and craft.

The team discovered the two ancient pieces of art while excavating domestic structures on Petra’s North ridge during last excavation season lasting throughout May and June. The statues are in almost intact condition from the pedestal to shoulders. On the other hand both statue heads and pieces of upper parts were recovered during excavations and the statues will be fully restored.

The team discovered the statues within a house much like an urban villa, equipped with its own sophisticated bath house. Both statues are Roman in style, providing evidence for Roman influence over the region of Nabataea, occupied in 106 AD. During the excavations the researchers discovered also installations for cooking and storage, occupational remains such as pottery and animal bones, an iron sword, ceramic oil lamps and human bones intermixed with personal adornments and jewellery.
(after PhysOrg)