Construction works at the Sarny palace, south-western Poland, revealed a time capsule. The container was hidden within the bronze sphere on top of the palace’s tower.
The discovery of the time capsule was a surprise for the construction workers and the owners of the palace. The container was hidden within a bronze sphere on the top of the palace’s tower, on the hight of over 40 metres. Unfortunately there were holes in the bronze sheets, probably made by firing at it. That’s why the state of preservation of the capsule is rather bad, as it is corded.
Within the capsule coins, hand written documents and bank notes were discovered. The current owners are planning to set up their own time capsule, after the construction works are finished, to continue the tradition.
The Sarny court is a park and palace residence dating back to 16th century, but established in the present shape in 18th and redeveloped in 19th century by famous Prussian landscape gardener Eduard Petzold. The current owners are restoring the place to its former glory after decades of degradation.
(after Radio Wrocław)