A mass grave of over 1000 people murdered by Germans located in Berlin revealed new information. The experts discovered that the remains belong to prisoners of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, of which over 400 were of Polish nationality.
The discovery is the result of research done over the years by a German citizen, Klaus Lautner, who discovered a grave in Poland, stating that the person buried died in Berlin. He gained interest in burials of Poles in Berlin. Over the years the man discovered that there are thousands of graves of Polish people, including prisoners of concentration camps and slave labourers. He also learned that many of the people killed in Sachsenhausen are buried at a cemetery in Glienicke, West Berlin.
A careful query in the archives allowed for creating a list of the people buried in urns of his mass grave. It turned out that out of over a thousand victims 436 were Polish, including 18 priests. The Nazi concentration camp in Sachsenhausen was locater about 30 kilometres North of Berlin and was operating between 1936-1945. During World War II it held numerous Polish citizen, including professors and academics of Jagiellonian University (Uniwersytet Jagielloński) and AGH University of Science and Technology (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza) in Kraków. It is believed that nearly 50000 were held in KL Sachsenhausen, and nearly 200000 people passed through it. Tens of thousands of people died, but the exact number is hard to establish.
(after TVP Info)