An ancient tomb of the Baekje Dynasty (1st cent. BC – 7th cent. AD) was found in Seokchon-dong in Seoul. The tomb is said to consist of a cluster largest number of smaller stone mound tombs and at least 10 individual stone mound tombs.

The excavation team also found a site possibly used as a mortuary hall where the corpse was contained before the burial. The newly discovered stone mound tombs are all in rectangular form. The biggest single tomb measures 13 meters on each side. The tombs are said to have start being built from the most northern one and expanded to other cardinal directions. Experts state that the structure of tombs, which is a collection of smaller tombs, found in Seokchon-dong can also be commonly found in mud-covered tombs of the Mahan State (1st cent. BC-3rd cent. AD) or stone mound toms of the Goguryeo Dynasty (37 BC–668 AD). During the excavations over 3000 artefacts were found, including a gold earring, a decorative ornament, pottery, iron sickle, roof tile, glass marble and animal bone, found in a space for ritual ceremony next to the tomb.
(after The Dong-A Ilbo)