Excavations in the vicinity of in Cham-Naqd Ali village located in the basin of Seymareh Dam, West Iran, revealed first Achaemenid pottery found in the region.

The artefacts consist of plate-like containers, clay cups, fishplate, scalloped patterned containers and stone tools, which are new indications of the presence of the Acheamenids in the province of Lorestan. According to the researchers these findings show that the area had been active in two architectural periods. Along with the Achaemenid pottery several pieces of vessels specific of the Parthian era, known as Gelanggi, have been discovered. Moreover, columns and column pillars were discovered in two areas, as well as a cemetery site with burials originating in two different phases. Radiocarbon analysis is scheduled for the human remains found within them to determine the exact age of the bones.
(after Islamic Republic News Agency)