Archaeologists discovered an underground catacombs containing numerous corridors filled with mummies at an ancient cemetery site at Tuna el-Gebel in Egypt.

Archaeologists claim to have discovered as many as 30 intact mummies within the catacombs which belong to the Late Period (664 -c. 332 BC) and to the Ptolemaic period. The mummies are believed to belong to ordinary people, judging from the catacombs style.

The catacombs area accessible by four wells that lead to the main corridors. In one chamber inside the tunnels, human bones and skulls are piled. Most of the mummies were laid in lines in both of its sides. While some them were left in plain stone and wooden sarcophagi, others were piled on top of each other.

According to archaeologists this is the first human necropolis found in central Egypt with so many mummies. Beside the mummies ancient lamps, other domestic items, coins, numerous long, slender pieces of pottery, two papyri written in demotic ancient Egyptian, remains of a gilded funerary mask, a golden decoration shaped like feathers, and colourfully decorated coffin remains were discovered.

(after AFP, The Telegraph, Al-Ahram Weekly & Live Science)