Customs officers foiled a smuggle attempt of Prehistoric artefacts at the crossing between Poland and Belarus in Bobrowniki, East Poland. The artefacts were hidden in the fuel tank of the car.

The smuggler was a 62-year-old Belarusian female. The fuel tank in her car contained a secured plastic bag with around 40 artefacts inside. The objects were forwarded to the heritage officials, who confirmed their historical value. Their initial assessment revealed that the objects are valuable and are rarely found in the area of Poland. Experts believe that the artefacts date to various age, including even ones dating back to 1500 BC, and were obtained on various sites in Eastern Ukraine and Caucasus.

The female smuggler has admitted that the brought the objects illegally, and that she intended to sell them in Poland’s capital, Warsaw. For the foiled attempt she faces a fine. The experts in field of archaeology will study the artefacts to assess their real value and date of creation.

(after RMF24 & Izba Administracji Skarbowej w Białymstoku)