Archaeologists discovered a burial of an adult and a baby preserved in a mummified state and covered with sheets of copper near Zeleny Yar in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region of The Russian Federation.

The mummified remains, wrapped in a shroud of birch bark and thick fabric, of an adult buried in the pit was covered in sheets of copper and alongside them, remains of a young baby was discovered. The mummified remains were found lying next to each other, buried strictly along a north to south line. The feet of the corpses had their feet turned towards the nearby river. Experts believe the baby was probably no older than six months. Its remains were wrapped in small fragments of a copper cauldron. The remains have been excavated and removed from the site to be carefully opened at a laboratory in Tyumen to date them and determine the age and sex of the buried person.

(after Alexander Gusev, Siberian Times, Express & Russia Times)