New discoveries at Machu Picchu

Archaeologists discovered a paved area and a ritual vessel during excavations of the Inca citadel at Machu Picchu, Peru.

Excavations at the site (by Verónica Isabel Calvo Niño)

Excavations in the area behind the area of “water mirrors” (recinto de espejos de agua) unearthed  a stone paved floor and, at one of its corners, a vessel that would have been used to make offerings. The vessel seems to be a pot with a pointed base. The evidence suggests that after the offering was made, a ritual burning was performed. The artefact is not yet dated but the analysis is scheduled.

(after Verónica Isabel Calvo Niño & Living in Peru)


  1. // Reply

    Would the pointed bottom allow the vessel float in water?

  2. // Reply

    Pointed vessels may be used in a ritual of self reflection, thus they would float in the reflecting pool, possibly with a flame of some sort of offering in them.

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