Archaeologists unearthed remains of a settlement dating back to the Neolithic. The 7500-year-old structures was discovered in Łańcut, South-eastern Poland.
Researchers excavating the site discovered remains of a house that was supported by numerous timber poles and possibly had walls made in the wattle-and-daub technique. It is believed that the structure is possibly 7500-6000 years old. The pottery discovered at the site reveals that it was inhabited during the existence of the Linear Pottery culture and the Malicka culture. The remains indicate that the house measured around 20 metres and had a gable roof.

In addition to pottery fragments, and stone tools, researchers have also discovered remains of a clay furnace that existed together with the house. Among the stone tools over a dozen axe-heads have been discovered. Beside these artefacts a number of tools crafted from obsidian have been unearthed. It is believed that these could have came from the region of East Hungary. According to the researchers their presence indicated far-reaching trade contacts of between the Neolithic cultures of both areas.

The site was originally identified few decades ago and was excavated in late 80s and early 90s, resulting in discovery of a Linear Pottery culture’s settlement containing a number of Neolithic long houses. The recent excavations confirmed the existence of further structures and abundance of artefacts still present at the site.

(after Krzysztof Kapica, Nowiny24, TVN24 & Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)