Divers exploring the Miedwie lake near Stargard, North-West Poland, discovered remains of a MIG-15 jet fighter.

Initially the plane has been spotted on a sonar image by Dariusz de Lorm, but the divers were out of oxygen to go to explore the site. When they returned to investigate the signal, it turned out that there really was a plane on the bottom of the lake. The remains were identified as a Soviet MIG-15 jet fighter. The divers state that the plane remains consist of four parts – the tail, one wing, the jet engine in two parts and remains of the cabin. The rest of the craft is scattered all around, including a preserved front wheel.

The researchers tried to investigate how the jet engine ended at the bottom of the lake. It was found that in the early 1950s a training flight ended in the plane crashing to the lake as the pilot and his instructor spiraled down into the water. Both catapulted prior to the impact but only the instructor survived, and was later treated in a Moscow hospital. The information differ on the fate of the training pilot – he either drowned in the lake or died shortly after the crash. The local officials are now facing the decision on what to do with the wreckage. Further information obtained by the divers suggests, that there might be two more MIG fighters sunken in the Miedwie lake.

(after Dariusz de Lorm, Jezioro Tajemnic, TVN24 & RMF24)