Excavation on Italy’s capital, Rome, construction of Metro C line subway station has uncovered an ancient domus connected to the dormitory of a barracks built at the time of Emperor Trajan and then modified by Hadrian.

The dormitory and barracks were discovered nearby at the Amba Aradam station work site in 2016. Archaeological superintendent, Rossella Rea, states that barracks has never been identified before in Rome, nor a domus connected to the barracks. The domus of the commander was found about 12 metres under the level of the Amba Aradam station, near the Basilica of San Giovanni Laterano (St John Lateran). The ongoing excavation is taking place on the southern slopes of the Coelian Hill, one of Rome’s seven hills, which in imperial times was home to luxury aristocratic residences and, further to the south, a series of military buildings, including barracks recently found in Via Ipponio.

Last June excavations conducted as part of work for the new C line of the Rome metro uncovered Pompeii-like finds including a dog’s skeleton. The dig has unearthed two spaces dating to the middle of the imperial period which, due to a fire, feature well-conserved parts of a wooden ceiling and furniture. The excavation in via dell’Amba Aradam also found the skeleton of the dog, curled up in front of a door and likely trapped inside the building at the time of the fire.
(after ANSA)