Tile kin discovered at ancient temple grounds

A kiln used to bake roof tiles of Toshodaiji temple more than 1000 years ago was discovered at Toshodaiji temple complex, Nara prefecture, Japan.
A kiln used to bake roof tiles of Toshodaiji temple more than 1000 years ago was discovered at Toshodaiji temple complex, Nara prefecture, Japan.
Nine cannonballs were uncovered in the same trench at Fort Cornwallis, George Town, Penang, Malaysia, where two centuries-old two cannons were found earlier.
Large part of one of ancient pagodas, numbered 1066, located in Bagan Archaeological Zone, Central Myanmar has collapsed after the structure has weakened after an earthquake in 2016.
Researchers have unearthed an ancient stone sculpture depicting an idol of a dancing Shiva at Dungrapali, located on downstream of Hirakud Dam, on Mahanadi river. The artefact dates back to 7th or 8th century.
Excavations uncovered twin cannons buried beside Fort Cornwallis, in George Town, Penang, Malaysia. The cannons are at least 200 years old.
Divers discovered six artillery hells, believed to be the oldest of their kind, within the wreckage of the Ottoman Navy frigate “Ertuğrul”, that sunk in 1890 near Kushimoto, in the Wakayama Prefecture, southern Japan.
Excavations at the Asukadera Seiho site, the first Buddhist temple founded in Japan, located in Asuka, Nara Prefecture, Japan, revealed architectural remains of what is believed to be part of a banquet hall complex for the nobility, dating back to the 7th century AD.
Thumb of a warrior statue from the Terracota Army, has been reported stolen during exhibition in Philadelphia, USA. The thief has been identified by help of the FBI’s art crime unit.
Construction workers paving a farm road in Shibushi, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, unearthed a 1500-year-old tomb containing a large stone coffin, human remains and impressive armour in remarkable condition.
Villagers digging up a pond have discovered an ancient stele depicting the Hindu god Narayana in Gorta village, Bogra, Bangladesh.
Renovation works led to discovery of a rectangular stone slab bearing an inscription of king Deva Raya II (1425–1446 AD) of the Vijayanagar Empire (1336–1646) at the Mahalingeshwara and Kalinga temple at Kalavara village, West India.
The oldest ancient painting of a human face on stone has been found in Kikonai, Hokkaido, Japan. The artefact dates back to the latter half of the mid-Jomon period, around 4300 years ago.
Local residents of of Siwal village in Sukoharjo regency, Central Java, Indonesia, have unearthed a headless cow statue on Monday presumed to date back to the Mataram era (732-1006 AD).
Archaeologists uncovered the ruins of a government building in Xixian, Shaanxi Province, North-West China. The office building is believed to have been a musical department of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC).
Archaeologists discovered possibly the oldest use of a Kanji character on a pottery shard in Japan, dating back to the late Yayoi Pottery Culture period (300 BC-AD 300). The fragment was found at Karakami archaeological site in Iki, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan.
Archaeologists believe to have uncovered what may be the oldest and largest tomb of a Scythian prince, at Uyuk River valley, Russian Republic of Tuva.
A bronze inscribed mirror with made during the Later Han Dynasty (25-220 AD) was discovered at the late Yayoi Pottery Culture period site (300 BC-300 AD) in Nakashima, Fukuoka, South-West Japan.
An ancient jar, dated to between the Asuka Period (592-710 AD) and Nara Period (710-784 AD) has been found at significant depth at an underwater site at Lake Biwako, Japan’s biggest freshwater lake in Shiga Prefecture, Honsiu.
A unique Turkic monument surrounded by 14 stone pillars covered in inscriptions was discovered on Eastern-Mongolian Dongoin shiree steppe by archaeologists.
Archaeologists discovered a total of 28 rock art sites dating from at least 2500 years ago on the island of Kisar, North of East Timor.