Digital reconstruction of an Iron Age hillfort

A digital reconstruction of an Iron Age hillfort of White Caterthurn, Angus, Scotland, has been created by a photographer during his during PhD research.
A digital reconstruction of an Iron Age hillfort of White Caterthurn, Angus, Scotland, has been created by a photographer during his during PhD research.
A 3500-years-old mummy of an Egyptian dignitary living in the times of 18th Dynasty pharaoh Thutmoses III (1479–1425 BC) served as a basis for a digital reconstruction the face and brain.
Researchers have digitally reconstructed and brought back to life the lost townscape of 16th-century Edinburgh, Scotland.
Enthusiasts of Warsaw’s history have digitally reconstructed a 19th-century factory after finding original plans in thrown-away old furniture. The oldest of the documents dates to 1881.
A monumental grave found within a burial mound near Prydnistryanske, Ukraine’s Vinnytsia region, near the Ukrainian-Moldavian border was reconstructed by Polish archaeologists who discovered it during excavations in 2010. The grave belonged to the elite of the nomadic pastoral communities that lived along the shores of the Dniester river.