Children’s toys discovered inside Hellenistic tombs

Archaeologists discovered toys inside tombs of children at a Hellenistic Period necropolis of the ancient seaport city of Parion, North-West Turkey.
Archaeologists discovered toys inside tombs of children at a Hellenistic Period necropolis of the ancient seaport city of Parion, North-West Turkey.
Archaeologists discovered traces of an ancient Jewish settlement at the site of the abandoned military training base at Beit El in Samaria, East Israel. The site dates back to Iron Age, and was occupied in the Persian, Hellenistic and Hasmonean periods until the Roman Era.
Members of an antiquity robbing gang were detained near Tzippori, North Israel, after a hiker spotted suspicious digging in the area of an antiquities site.
Dozens of ancient coins, oil lamps, jewellery and Jewish ritual objects were found in a police raid on a home in the village of Beit Ula, Northwest of Hebron, Israel.
Excavations at Stratonikeia in Turkey’s Muğla province revealed 65 tombs containing remains of inhabitants of the city from Roman times.
A Hellenistic burial chamber was discovered at a construction site in Toptepe, Samsun province, Turkey. The structure is believed to be 2300 years old.
Excavations in the Izmir province, West Turkey, revealed a well-preserved brick vault structure. It was discovered in the area of the ancient Mediterranean city of Metropolis, presently between the Yeniköy and Özbet villages. The structure is a part of a bath-palaestra complex that dates back 1900 years.
Excavations at the ancient city of Stratonikeia in modern Turkey’s Muğla Province revealed a 1300-year-old skeleton of a young woman. The works are being conducted in the ancient city’s Western Street and they resulted in finding many relics from the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Beylik periods.
The first known palace of Illyrian kings was discovered in Rhizon, Montenegro, by Polish archaeologists. The researchers uncovered a complex of monumental buildings dated to the 3rd century BC, that was built built before 260 BC, the second after 250 BC.