New finds at ancient Metsamor
A team of Armenian and Polish archaeologists has made new discoveries at Metsamor, Sout-West Armenia, uncovering graves and artefacts dating back to 8-6th centuries BC.
A team of Armenian and Polish archaeologists has made new discoveries at Metsamor, Sout-West Armenia, uncovering graves and artefacts dating back to 8-6th centuries BC.
Artefacts dating back to the Iron Age Kingdom of Urartu were found near the village of Hatsarat, East Armenia. Experts believe that most of the objects originated in 7th century BC.
Excavations of Polish archaeologists in Metsamor, near Yerevan in Armenia, revealed numerous finds, including a necklace made of gold and cornelian beads. The site is dated to the Early Bronze Age (11th-9th cent. BC).