Medieval gold treasure found at the Abbey of Cluny

A treasure of silver and golden coins, rings, and other gold objects was discovered within the Abbey of Cluny, Saône-et-Loire, France.
A treasure of silver and golden coins, rings, and other gold objects was discovered within the Abbey of Cluny, Saône-et-Loire, France.
Archaeologists discovered remains of a buried nomadic Xiongnu woman wearing decorated belt buckles made of coal at the Ala-Tei burial ground on the Yenisei River in the Republic of Tuva, South Russian Federation.
A rare papal bull of the 15th-cent. antipope Benedict XIII was unearthed by archaeologists at the Grodno Castle, South-West Poland.
Remains of a Medieval village that disappeared nearly 400 years ago were uncovered by archaeologists near modern-day Odder in mid-Jutland, Denmark.
Archaeologists managed to locate the lost village of Goschwitz, near Strzelin, South-West Poland, with use of freely available airborne LiDAR data. The Medieval village dates back to the 13th century and existed only for a couple decades.
Excavations at Rusokastro fortress near Bourgas in East Bulgaria, revealed rare valuable finds, including an ivory icon that they believe would have belonged to an emperor and a gold coin from the time of the Byzantine emperor Phocas (547-610AD).
Archaeologists discovered a bath used by the Seljuk sultans in a castle on Takkeli Mountain in province of Konya, central Turkey, which once was the capital of the Anatolian Seljuk state.
During restoration works in the library of St Catherine’s Monastery in South Sinai, Egypt, a medical manuscript dating to 6th century AD was discovered.
Archaeologists discovered a trove of 900-year-old rings, bracelets, earrings and hairpins while excavating the kitchen of a Crusader fortress tower at at Givat Tittora, central Israel.
Archaeologists in East Spain discovered remains of cats at the site of El Bordellet, that were potentially skinned about 1000 years ago for the Medieval cat-fur industry or some sort of alleged ritual.
Police officers arrested a total of 40 people in Bulgaria, Turkey and France and about 5500 items were seized as part of an operation aimed against illegal trafficking of items of cultural historical value, including ancient archaeological objects made of gold and silver.
Dozens of ancient coins, oil lamps, jewellery and Jewish ritual objects were found in a police raid on a home in the village of Beit Ula, Northwest of Hebron, Israel.
Archaeologists revealed elaborate mosaics in an unearthed part of a Roman town called Ucetia near Uzes in southern France.
Archaeologists studied the remains and personal belongings of individuals buried at the Middle Ages cemetery in Schüpfen, at the Bernese Lakeland region of Switzerland. The remains included an unusual grave of a man buried face down.
Excavations at the Silkeborg site in Denmark revealed remains of graves and buildings that were dated back to Neolithic, Bronze Age, Viking era and Medieval times. Among the find two high status Viking burials and Trelleborg-type homes were found.
Relics of a supposed Medieval wall were found in Malbork, northern Poland. In the Middle Ages the city was known for being the capital of the Teutonic State, who called it Marienburg.
Two knight keeps in the vicinity of Gliwice (Southern Poland), in Pniów and in Stare Tarnowice have been studied by archaeologists from the Museum in Gliwice.