After 80 years 7-million-piece mosaic from 8th century revealed
After 3 months of work a 7-million-tile mosaic in Jericho within the bath house of an Islamic Era Hisham palace was revealed and is to be opened to public next year.
After 3 months of work a 7-million-tile mosaic in Jericho within the bath house of an Islamic Era Hisham palace was revealed and is to be opened to public next year.
The crowd-sharing system called Arches, utilising satellite imagery, photographs, technical data and eyewitness descriptions documents damage and destruction of monuments by the so-called Islamic State and due to fights near the Syrian city of Aleppo.
Excavations in the Must Farm site near Whittlesea, Cambridgeshire in United Kingdom brought to light new discoveries. The site dubbed “Britain’s Pompeii” due to the remarkable state of preservation of the remains of a Bronze Age village provides detailed insight into everyday life 3000 years ago.
An interior cooling system of a house, dated to 7th-9th century has been found by Slovak archaeologists during excavations at the al-Kusur settlement on the Failaka Island in the Persian Gulf (Kuwait). Archaeologists from the Archaeological Instituteof the Slovak Academy of Sciences studied and documented the largest inhabitable settlement building at the site.
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