Children’s toys discovered inside Hellenistic tombs

Archaeologists discovered toys inside tombs of children at a Hellenistic Period necropolis of the ancient seaport city of Parion, North-West Turkey.
Archaeologists discovered toys inside tombs of children at a Hellenistic Period necropolis of the ancient seaport city of Parion, North-West Turkey.
Archaeologists uncovered 33 tombs at a necropolis dating back 2000 years during excavations prior to road construction in Turkey’s Uşak province.
Archaeologists uncovered an ancient necropolis dated to the Late Antiquity in the Demirchi village of Azerbaijan’s Shamakhy district.
An Iron Age warrior’s grave filled with unique grave goods, dating back to 850 BC was discovered by archaeologists at the Don Bosco shipyard in Sion, Switzerland.
Archaeologists discovered numerous burials belonging to the Eastern necropolis of the ancient city Serdica, which once existed where Bulgaria’s capital, Sofia, is now located.
Excavations of Polish archaeologists in Metsamor, near Yerevan in Armenia, revealed numerous finds, including a necklace made of gold and cornelian beads. The site is dated to the Early Bronze Age (11th-9th cent. BC).
The three sarcophagi recently discovered in Kemer village in Turkey’s Çanakkale province’s Biga district were opened and closer examined by museum officials.
Archaeologists from Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw summed up 10 years of excavation at a necropolis dated to 8th-7th cent. BC, that is located within the Mortuary Temple complex of Queen Hatshepsut in Egypt.
Relics of ancient fortifications and monumental tombs were found among numerous sites by a group of archaeologists from the Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw. The fieldwork in a the project, coordinated by prof. Piotr Bieliński, was led by dr Łukasz Rutkowski.
An archaeological site was uncovered in Trogir (Croatia) as workers found the remains of Roman urns during the expansion of a private parking lot in the area of Put Dragulina, a street located in the path of the former ancient Roman road that used to lead to the Trogir hinter