Mysterious burial at Czermno revealed

A double burial was discovered within the ringfort in Czermno, East Poland. It belongs to a beheaded 30-year old male and a few-years-old child. The Czermno ringfort was supposedly known as Czerwień, being the the main keep of so called   called Cherven Cities – a state that was fought over by the kings of the Piast dynasty against rulers of Kievan Rus. The graves discovered are dated to 12th-13th century, the time when the Cities were under Rus’ influence.

Recent discovery of a Danish ringfort now aided by Police

The 9th cent. ringfort discovered in 2014 at Vallø Borgring near Køge in Danemark was destroyed by fire set deliberately, as archaeologists state. In order to unravel the mystery of its destruction Police was asked to provide a fire safety investigator to aid the scientific investigation.