Elaborate mosaics found in ancient Roman house

Excavations at Auch in Gers, France, unearthed a 5th-century Roman house containing luxurious floor mosaics.
Excavations at Auch in Gers, France, unearthed a 5th-century Roman house containing luxurious floor mosaics.
Archaeologists discovered a copper alloy Roman coin at the site of Knowe of Swandro, Rousay, Scotland. The site is known for its Neolithic chambered tomb, Iron Age roundhouses and Pictish buildings.
Remains of a Roman Bath House were uncovered as part of work to move Carlisle Cricket Club’s pavilion, Cumbria, England.
Estate belonging to the family of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius was discovered by archaeologists at the site of Kibyratis, Burdur province of Turkey.
Archaeologists unearthed 38 skeletons buried in a Jewish cemetery more than 500 years ago, located in an area identified on ancient maps as “Campus Iudeorum” – Latin for “Field of Jews” — in the Trastevere quarter of modern Rome.
Excavations in the Izmir province, West Turkey, revealed a well-preserved brick vault structure. It was discovered in the area of the ancient Mediterranean city of Metropolis, presently between the Yeniköy and Özbet villages. The structure is a part of a bath-palaestra complex that dates back 1900 years.