Forty one crates of WW1 missiles secured in a forest

Police officers secured over 160 anti-tank missiles dating back to World War 1 in a forest by Kojęcin, South-West Poland. The unexploded ordnance was found by workers cutting down trees.
Police officers secured over 160 anti-tank missiles dating back to World War 1 in a forest by Kojęcin, South-West Poland. The unexploded ordnance was found by workers cutting down trees.
A mechanical digger operating at a beach between Dziwnów and Dziwnówek, North-West Poland, has hit some unexploded ordnance. It exploded lifting the digger in the air.
Two man, who found a piece of unexploded ordnance from World War 2 era decided to throw it into a fire in order to disarm it. One died at site of the explosion, the other passed away in the hospital after being severely injured.
Police officers were alarmed that an air bomb was brought home by kids who found the object in a field near Szopinek, near Zamość, South-East Poland.
A forest ranger discovered some unexploded ordnance in a forest near Sierpc, Central Poland. After informing the local Police sappers conducted excavations at the site, unearthing over 2000 bombs and missiles dating back to World War 2.
Construction workers discovered a piece of unexploded ordnance dating to World War 2 at a residential building construction site in South Praga district of Warsaw, Poland.
Two local teenagers discovered unexploded ordnance from WW2 in a forest in Karwacz, Eastern Poland.
Criminal Police officers from Lidzbark, Northern Poland, discovered a stash of illegal ammunition dating back to World War 2 that was being held in a private flat in the city.
Archaeologists excavation the area of a hill by the Świętoduska street, just behind the Town Hall in Lublin, East Poland, unearthed a previously unknown German WW2 bunker and remains of fortified firing positions.
A passer-by discovered what looked like a piece of World War II unexploded ordnance, near the Świsłocz river, in the area of Krynki, East Poland, just 100 metres from the Polish-Belarusian border.
A women digging in her recreational plot in Toruń, Poland, discovered an object that resembled unexploded ordnance. She packed the metal item and brought it to the nearest Police station.
Workers segregating metal at a scrapyard in Pleszew, West-Central Poland, discovered 80 kilograms of various unexploded ordnance dating to World War II.
Artefacts being 2500 years old were found during a scheduled clearing of a forest area in the district of Wipsowo, northern Poland, from potential unexploded ordnance by sappers in cooperation with archaeologists.
Police in Gorzów, West Poland, was notified about the possibility of unexploded ordnance being located underground in the area of a former military base. Sappers called on the scene found numerous World War II armaments and ammunition.
Group of volunteer explorers surveyed a sector of the line called Copse – which is part of a 12km long First World War front near Lens, northern France. They discovered numerous items and several pen and pencil inscriptions made by tunnellers of Durham Light Infantry.