Numerous finds during town square excavations

Excavations by the Nowy Targ (New Market) town square in Wrocław, Poland, unearthed remains of Medieval houses and artefacts revealing how the city looked before destruction during World War 2.
Excavations by the Nowy Targ (New Market) town square in Wrocław, Poland, unearthed remains of Medieval houses and artefacts revealing how the city looked before destruction during World War 2.
Explorers and archaeologists discovered a weapon deposit hidden in Wrząca, Central Poland, by a shot down Polish airman during the 1939 Invasion of Poland by Germans.
Archaeologists and geophysicists conducted non-invasive survey over the Wanda Mound in Nowa Huta, near Kraków, Poland. The survey was a part of a larger project of investigating the structure of the mound and its origin.
Excavations at Istanbul’s Avcılar district unearthed hundreds of unguentaria – small ceramic or glass bottles – containing traces of antidepressants and heart medications. The find was made at the site of ancient Greek city of Bathonea.
Archaeologists from University of Wrocław discovered the remains of gallows during excavations on the Mieszczańska Mountain in Złotoryja, South-west Poland. The remains of the gallows are believed to be the largest of so far documented brick structures of this kind in the region of Silesia.
The first season of excavations of a team of Polish archaeologists at the church of San Michele del Golfo (also known as Santa Maria di Campogrosso) resulted in dating the origins of the building and documenting new, unknown walls and graves next to the present ruins of the structure.
In Gniezno cathedral in Western Poland a number of ca 1500 documents dated to Medieval times have been found.