Archaic period Sanctuary of Apollo on the uninhabited islet of Despotiko in Greece’s Cyclades revealed numerous finds during last years excavations. Its results were announced by the Greek Ministry of Culture. The discoveries included a large number of plain and decorated pottery shards dating from the 9th to 4th centuries BC as well as a number of other artefacts. The sanctuary was the largest in the Cyclades area after Delos.
Among the finds were more than 40 lamps, 25 bases of vessels with the name of “Apollo” engraved on them, an engraved shard depicting one of the labours of Hercules, archaic black-figure drinking cups with images of warriors, red-figure kraters from a classical-era Attica workshop depicting Dionysus, satyrs and maenads, bronze buckles and the lower limbs of archaic kouroi, to name but a few. So far a total of 15 buildings ancillary to the temple and a ritual dining hall were discovered at the site.
(after Greek Reporter)