Sonar images taken as a part of a construction of an underwater power line revealed the location of a World War I German U-boat, sunk in 1918. The discovery was made off the coast of Stranraer, South-west Scotland.

The experts believe that the wreckage belongs to a UB-85 sunk by HMS Coreopsis in 1918. Naval records state that the crew of the U-boat abandoned ship and were picked up by the British Navy’s ship. The boat looks largely intact. It is a UBIII-Class submarine, of which two were lost in the area – the more famous UB-85 and its sister boat UB-82.

The wreck was found 104 below. It lies roughly halfway between the recorded sites of two sunk submarines – the said UB-85 and its sister vessel, UB-82. During World War I at least 12 British and German submarines had been sunk in the Irish Sea.

(after Sky News & The Guardian)