An accidental find of Medieval coins was made in a forest near Rokycany, Czech Republic. Some of the coins, possibly hidden during the Hussite Wars, are said to date to the times of King Wenceslas IV (1378-1419).

The man was investigating a noticed area dug through by boars, when he discovered few coins in the ground. He called a friend from the West Bohemian Museum and the following archaeological investigation lead to the discovery of a treasure trove of 519 medieval coins within the remains of a pottery vessel. Large portion of the find consists of Prague groschen, which were minted during the reign of King Wenceslas IV. The coins were minted in a nearly unchanged shape for about 250 years, differing only in weight and purity of the silver (which declined in time).

The coins were found about a kilometre from the nearest known settlement, which made the experts believe that the trove must have been hidden, possibly due to war as somebody fled from danger. According to the experts, the value of the hidden coins makes a fairly decent fortune, which could be used to buy a suburban house or a herd of cows. This is said to be the largest sliver coin find in western Bohemia in the past 30 years. So far only a part of the trove was cleaned, revealing two different coins in the trove.

(after iDNES)