An Iron Age warrior’s grave filled with unique grave goods, dating back to 850 BC was discovered by archaeologists at the Don Bosco shipyard in Sion, Switzerland.
The site of excavations is located on a parking lot between the building belonging to Caritas and a restaurant l’Agora à Sion. The excavations are located in the area where an Iron Age necropolis once functioned. Within this ancient necropolis a warrior’s grave was found recently, dating back to 850 BC.
Among the grave goods laid to rest with the warrior were numerous metal objects, including a sword, a spearhead, a razor, and jewellery. The artefacts have oxidized after many centuries spent within the ground.
The grave is said to have been covered by a stone slab. After its removal the interior was swept by a metal detector indicating presence of numerous metal artefacts. Among them were remains of a headdress composed of small bronze discs.
Initial measurements show that the person buried within the grave was a male warrior, measuring around 1.65 metres in height. Beside his weapons he was put to rest with a razor, jewellery, pottery vessels and jewellery.
(after Héloïse Maret & Le Nouvelliste)