Soldiers of the 1st Sappers’ Regiment from Brzeg aided researchers of the Polish Institute of National Remembrance (Instytut Pamięci Narodowej) in search for places of mass murders committed by the communist regime in Poland.
Since beginning of June 14 sappers and one military paramedic from Brzeg are aiding the search in the vicinity of Dworzysko. According to the information gathered by IPN there is a possibility that a mass grave is located within the area of the former manor estate. It is assumed that freedom fighters of the National Armed Forces (Narodowe Siły Zbrojne), a Polish anti-Nazi and later anti-Soviet military organization, under command of captain Henryk Flame “Bartek” were murdered and buried here. So far the soldiers managed to uncover ammunition, shells, and metal fittings of uniforms. It is known that Bartek’s soldiers were wearing English uniforms, so identification of the metal parts of the uniforms should be crucial to the research.
(after Polska Zbrojna & Marcin Kałmuk)