Archaeologists accidentally discovered remains of buildings dating back to World War 2 Harvey in South West Australia.
The discovery was made after the present owner of the land decided to subdivide in preparation to sell the lot at the back of the Eden Grove Community Precinct and archaeologists carried out a survey as part of the process. They found remnants of the foundation of the administration building of the internment camp and a rock retaining wall built by Italian internees. Adjacent to the retaining wall and barely covered by leaves and soil, a culvert was uncovered. The top of the culvert was engraved with names, some of them clearly legible, including women’s names and possibly a sergeant’s name and service number. The researchers suspect the engraved names could date back to the time the site was used as a military training facility after the internment camp was moved in 1942.
(after The West Australian & Hennelore Hepburn)