Archaeologists discovered a Roman building dating back at least to the 4th century AD at the construction site of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass, which revealed a number of spectacular finds in the past.

The area where the site is located stands next to the Washingborough Road, by the River Witham, which in Roman times was an important transport route. The floor of the villa is made of limestone, split into large, flat, irregular slabs. The stone would have been carted from a quarry somewhere on the Lincoln Cliff. Experts believe that with help of geologists it will be possible to pinpoint the likely location of the ancient quarry. Archaeologists believe that the floor would have been below ground when the building was in use, so it is possibly the floor of the basement or a cellar of a large building. Researchers speculate that the structure was possibly an outbuilding such as a barn or warehouse. The Roman structure, possibly a part of a complex of buildings, was an ideal place to profit from the trade, storage of wine, olive oil, and fish sauce brought from South to Roman Lincoln.
(after Lincolnshire Live)