Researchers identified two figures at the frescoes’ edges in the Room of Constantine, Vatican, as painted by Raphael, the Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance.

The two women, representing Friendship and Justice, are visible on the fresco’s edges among scenes of majestic popes, soldiers, and cherubs. Researchers believe they were not only designed but also painted by Raphael himself. The historical sources indicated that two figures in the room were painted in a different medium and were of a higher quality than those surrounding them. The cleaning and removal of centuries of previous restorations revealed the typical pictorial features of the master painter. In addition, the researchers found that the figures were painted in oil, and not in water-based pigments. After the master painter’s death in 1520, his students continued in the traditional method, leaving only these two figures as autographs of the master.
(after Live Science & Vatican Television Centre)