Metal detectorists have discovered a rare gold pendant made of a Byzantine coin, dating back to the 6th century AD near Attleborough, Norfolk, United Kingdom.

The discovery was made by a detectorist who has been searching for artefacts for six years as a member of a local club. This is the first time he discovered a gold object. Upon the discovery the individual has informed the Norfolk Historic Environment Record (HER) and the county’s museum service. The pendant is considered extremely rare, as only very few have been found in the UK. According to the researchers the artefact is an early Anglo-Saxon pendant, which is imprinted with an image of Emperor Justinian and is thought to have been made in France. Archaeologists suppose that there might be a cemetery on the field where it was found, and the pendant possibly gone into the ground in a burial.

(after Godfrey Pratt & BBC News)