Excavations of the market square in Trondheim, Norway, lead to the discovery of a boat grave and possible human remains dating roughly to between the 7th and 10th century.

The researchers believe that the boat might have been 4 metres long and was buried in the ground in a roughly north-south direction. Although the wood from the structure has decomposed, archaeologists were able to document nails and lumps of rust that allowed to confirm that the buried object was originally a boat. Within the vessel two long bones have been found. They are said to be subjected to further DNA tests to confirm that they are human and possibly reveal more about the person buried at the site. Among other finds was a piece of bronze, a piece of a spoon and part of a key that would have opened a chest, and what might be the remains of burial goods – discovered beside one of the bones. The period to which the grave is dated is around the time that the Vikings started exploring the North Atlantic and Europe, as well as Iceland, Greenland, and even Newfoundland, and sending raiding and colonizing parties ashore.

(after Live Science & Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research)