Initially, the large settlement was discovered near Rzemienowice, South-central Poland, by aerial archaeologists. Then, regular excavations confirmed and dated the find 2000 years into the past.

The site was discovered in 2012 by archaeologist Piotr Wroniecki, when he was doing an aerial survey of the area. Within the local fields he observed cropmarks indicating existence of archaeological features within the topsoil. It was even possible to observe the shape and size of individual features, believed to be Prehistoric houses. In following years archaeologists were able to study the site with non-invasive techniques, including a geophysical survey with application of magnetometry and GPR, and finally through excavations. A field survey of the area resulted in discovery of numerous pottery shards and stone tools, which were dated to between 300 BC – 400 AD. First excavations were undertaken this year by archaeologists of the Jagiellonian University led by Jan Bulas, with trenches opened in precisely pinpointed areas by previous research. The researchers suspect the archaeological features are remains of dugout dwellings of light construction, with the roof supported by wooden pillars. Archaeological artefacts found within the site allow to associate the findings with the Iron Age people of the Przeworsk culture. It is believed that the settlement could cover an area of 10 hectares and consisted of various types of structures, including dugouts, long houses with roofs supported by pillars, and concentrations of hearths. Large hearths were discovered between the dugouts, which might have been used as places of pottery and lime production. The non-invasive research at Rzemienowice was carried out as part of the Hidden Cultural Landscapes of the Western Lesser Poland Upland project.
(after Wprost, Nauka w Polsce, Piotr Wroniecki & Jan Bulas)