A Roman Era sarcophagus was discovered by archaeologists at the Borough of Southwark, Central London.

The excavation was carried out at Harper Road in an area known as the Southern Cemetery, located on the opposite bank to the Roman city of Londinium. The area is known to the researchers as scattered with typical Roman roadside burials and mausolea in honour of the deceased individuals. Archaeologists initially uncovered the surface of a significant Roman road running north-south through the site, possibly in alignment of Stane Street, the Roman road to Chichester. The sarcophagus was found on the western side of this road. According to the researchers the stone coffin is quite plain, marked only by the chisels used in its construction, and measures almost 2.5m in length. Stylistically, it may be 3rd- or 4th-century in date. Unfortunately he interior of the grave had been robbed, probably in the 18th century, leaving a great trench beside the sarcophagus and a crack in its lid.
(after Current Archaeology & Southwark Council)