Archaeologists uncovered remains of a Roman temple, dating back to the 2nd century AD at the Kom Al-Rasras archaeological site in Aswan, Egypt.

The temple was built from sandstone blocks and dates back to the second century AD. Names of different Roman emperors were found inside within cartouches, including Domitian (81-96 AD), Hadrian (117-138 AD) and Antoninus Pius (138-161 AD). Archaeologists are also said to have discovered the temple’s sanctuary, which consists of three chambers. The sanctuary leads to a cross-sectional hall connected to another hall, which is accessed by a sandstone ramp. Found inside the temple were remains of stone engraving with stars representing the sky, possibly a part of the temple’s ceiling.

According to Ayman Ashmawy, head of ancient Egyptian antiquities at the Ministry of Antiquities, the hieroglyphic name of the site is “Khenu”. The name is engraved on one of the discovered blocks which connects the site to the residential city. The researchers hope that the discovery might lead them to the location of the residential area of Al-Silsila quarries.

(after Luxor Times, Ahram Online & Arab News)