Archaeologists discovered a total of 28 rock art sites dating from at least 2500 years ago on the island of Kisar, North of East Timor.

The paintings depict boats, dogs, horses and people often holding what look like shields. Other scenes show people playing drums perhaps performing ceremonies. According to Sue O’Connor from The Australian National University the paintings help tell the story of the region’s history of trade and culture. Indonesian islands were the heart of the spice trade going back for thousands of years. The researchers state that the Kisar paintings include images which are remarkably similar to those in the East end of Timor-Leste (East Timor). The relationship between the two islands likely extends back to the Neolithic period 3500 years ago, which saw an influx of Austronesian settlers who introduced domestic animals, such as the dog, and perhaps cereal crops.

(after The Australian National University & Current Archaeology)