Reconstruction of the district heating line just outside the Old Town in Kraków, South Poland, led to numerous archaeological discoveries from various time periods.

The excavations were conducted along the course of the district heating line, which run from the Sereno Fenn Street, along the Krowoderska and Słowiańska Streets, up to Pędzichów Street. Archaeologist Justyna Jarosz-Romaniec states that at the beginning, in the area of Sereno Fenn Street remains of 18th century buildings were uncovered. Also, in the same area an air raid shelter dating back to 1944 was discovered. Near the Plac Słowiański (Slavic Square) burials of a Medieval cemetery were discovered. The remains are reported as being well preserved. Also an ossuary was found there, containing over 30 skulls in one of the features.

At the Krowoderska street archaeologists uncovered small portions of pavements. They are hard to date at this point, but a large axe was found on one of them which is said to help in further study. It is suspected it might be an executioner’s axe as there were gallows nearby. However, one of the most important findings was a pendant or a medallion with an image of Pope Paul II. According to the researchers it dates back to 15th century. All of the discovered artefacts are now scheduled for conservation and further study. Archaeologists also plan to conduct a series of lectures for the citizens of Kraków about the recent discoveries.
(after RMF, Justyna Jarosz-Romaniec & Interia)