Pre-Colombian cemetery found near baseball stadium
Archaeologists discovered a pre-Colombian cemetery dating back 1200 years at a site near the National Baseball Stadium near Managua, Nicaragua.
Archaeologists discovered a pre-Colombian cemetery dating back 1200 years at a site near the National Baseball Stadium near Managua, Nicaragua.
Latest laser technology was used to uncover the faded frescoes in the Catacombs of St Domitilla in Rome, which are dated to be 1600 years old and were discovered first in 16th century.
Archaeologists discovered an underground catacombs containing numerous corridors filled with mummies at an ancient cemetery site at Tuna el-Gebel in Egypt.
Archaeologists discovered a tomb that dates back to the 18th Dynasty, containing 8 Pharaonic mummies, 10 coffins, hundreds of ushabti statues and masks coloured with gold in Luxor, Egypt.
During documentation of ISIS destruction of the Tomb of the Prophet Jonah in Mosul, Iraq, inscriptions and sculptures dating back to the Assyrian empire were found.
During the building of Crossrail in London, archaeologist discovered thousands of Victorian jam jars and pickle pots thrown into a cistern beneath a former nightclub in Tottenham Court Road.
Geneva Investigations Bureau confiscated nine artefacts in Switzerland, including three sculptures from Libya, Syria and Yemen. Among the finds is a sculpture for Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty.
After 3 months of work a 7-million-tile mosaic in Jericho within the bath house of an Islamic Era Hisham palace was revealed and is to be opened to public next year.
As government forces drive ISIS terrorists out of Mosul and nearby Nimrud the scale of destruction to one of Iraq’s greatest archaeological treasures comes to light. Once magnificent masterpieces of art are now broken into pieces and bulldozed flat. Moreover, the crippled Mosul Dam threatens to flood vast populated areas filled with archaeological sites with water from the Tigris river.
Archaeologists discovered a previously undisturbed tomb in Luxor, south Egypt. The tomb contained a sarcophagus in a very good state of preservation.