Large ancient mosaic unearthed on Cyprus

Archaeologists unearthed a 2000-year-old mosaic at the village of Akaki near Nicosia, Cyprus. The mosaic measures 26 metres in length.
Archaeologists unearthed a 2000-year-old mosaic at the village of Akaki near Nicosia, Cyprus. The mosaic measures 26 metres in length.
Archaeologists working at Rome’s new subway line have discovered ruins of a burnt early 3rd-century building and the 1800-year-old skeleton of a dog within it.
After 3 months of work a 7-million-tile mosaic in Jericho within the bath house of an Islamic Era Hisham palace was revealed and is to be opened to public next year.
The undersea explorer who found the wreckage of the Whydah Gally, the first authenticated pirate shipwreck in North America, claims he located where the legendary treasure of the ship’s captain, Samuel “Black Sam” Bellamy, lies. The said area is located in the waters surrounding Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA.
Despite ongoing war in Syria, archaeological works in the ancient city of Karkemish, Gaziantep province, on the Turkish-Syrian border continue. The archaeologists and Turkish authorities plan to open the site for public as an open-air museum in 2017.