Hunting weapon with copper arrowhead found in melting ice

Archaeologists travelling with a documentary crew have discovered a nearly 1,000-year-old hunting artefact, half exposed in a remote patch of ice near Carcross, Yukon, North-West Canada.
Archaeologists travelling with a documentary crew have discovered a nearly 1,000-year-old hunting artefact, half exposed in a remote patch of ice near Carcross, Yukon, North-West Canada.
Archaeologists discovered stone tools along Route 8 near Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, which date to 12700 years in the past.
Archaeologists discovered a settlement dated back 14000 years on on Triquet Island, British Columbia’s Central Coast. The site was known in local native traditions as a place which did not freeze during the last Ice Age.
Researchers explored underwater shipwrecks of four ore carriers sunk off coast of Bell Island, Newfoundland, by German U-boats in 1942.
Scientists examined tartar from 1.2-million-year-old teeth, one of the oldest hominin remains discovered in Europe. Food remains from tartar revealed the palaeodiet of the individual.
The flood in 2013 that occurred in southern Alberta, Canada, caused the local government to conduct a program to preserve artefacts in affected areas. As a result, archaeologists studied sites unearthing items such as tools and bison bones at the banks of the Bow River, East of Calgary.
After six years of work, Norwegian researchers lifted The Maud, the ship of Arctic Explorer Roald Amundsen. The ship trapped in ice in Nunavut, North Canada, since 1930, is now prepared for a trip home to Norway.
Excavations of the remote site of Qaiqsut, north of Baffin Island, in north-eastern Canada’s Nunavut region revealed numerous artefacts that belonged to the proto-Inuit Thule culture. The site consists of a a sod house located in Sirmilik National Park at an area that slowly erodes into the Atlantic Ocean.
Canadian archaeologists conducting research in Egypt discovered numerous tattoos on a mummified body of a woman who lived more than 3300 years ago. The tattoos include lotus blossoms on the mummy’s hips, a cobra, and cows on her arm.
Excavations at the the Copper Age settlement near the village Pazardzhik, southern Bulgaria, dated back to the circa 4500-4600 BC revealed a golden bead.
Researchers in China found first evidence for the legendary catastrophic Great Flood that occurred on the Yellow River, an event that resulted in emergence of the first ruling Xia dynasty of China.