Numerous finds from a Neolithic mound

Archaeologist unearthed numerous artefacts at the site of the Neolithic mound of Ekşi Höyük, Denizli, West Turkey, that seems to date back 8600 years.
Archaeologist unearthed numerous artefacts at the site of the Neolithic mound of Ekşi Höyük, Denizli, West Turkey, that seems to date back 8600 years.
Archaeologists discovered a partially preserved board of an ancient Roman game called Ludus duodecim scriptorum or XII scripta during excavations at city of Tripolis, Denizli province, Turkey.
Excavations at Laodicea, an ancient city located near Eskihisar, Denizli province of Turkey, revealed a 100-metre long agora covering the area of 35000 square metres.