Carved bison bone dredged up from bottom of North Sea

A 13500-year-old carved bison bone, which was dredged up from the bottom of the North Sea, was announced to be the oldest work of art found in the Netherlands.
A 13500-year-old carved bison bone, which was dredged up from the bottom of the North Sea, was announced to be the oldest work of art found in the Netherlands.
Hoard of 41 gold coins dated to the 5th cent. AD were discovered in an orchard in Lienden, near Veenendaal, Netherlands. Some of the coins bear the image of Emperor Flavius Julius Valerius Majorianus, known as Majorian (420-461 AD).
A rich trove of Roman artefacts, among which a statue of the god Jupiter, a grave stone inscribed DEAE (“to the goddess“), 2500 bronze objects and a unique ointment pot were discovered at a site in Tiel in the province of Gelderland, Netherlands.