Rondel-like structure noticed by aerial archaeologists
A fortified structure consisting of concentric features was noticed by aerial archaeologist near Oława, South Poland. The researchers believe the structure may be 7000 years old.
A fortified structure consisting of concentric features was noticed by aerial archaeologist near Oława, South Poland. The researchers believe the structure may be 7000 years old.
A monument in Avebury, England, consisting of two huge, circular enclosures, was discovered being about 5300 years old, meaning the structure pre-dates the first stones erected at nearby Stonehenge by about 800 years.
Excavation in Chichester, England, revealed a Bronze Age settlement and enclosure being part of the ancient Chichester Entrenchments, a system of earthworks which were constructed around the city from the later Iron Age, circa 100 BC onwards.
Excavations of the ringfort at Ranelagh, near Roscommon, Ireland, undertaken as a road construction project, unearthed the remains of almost 800 people dated to Medieval times.
Archaeologists discovered a large enclosure near Stevns in Denmark at a sports hall construction site. The structure is dated to the Neolithic and seems to enclose an oval area of nearly 18000 square meters.
Spain’s first Bell Beaker culture’s earthwork enclosure was discovered by archaeologists. The structure, composed of concentric rings of earthwork is dated to 2600-2200 BC.
A team of archaeologists are excavating the Caherconnell Cashel site in Ireland. Unearthed artefacts testify to a long Medieval period occupation at the site, lasting from 10th to 15th or 16th century AD.