British destroyer identified off Orkney coast after 100 years
A wreck of British destroyer identified as HMS Pheasant has been identified near the island of Hoy, off coast of Orkney, Scotland, after having been sunk in 1917.
A wreck of British destroyer identified as HMS Pheasant has been identified near the island of Hoy, off coast of Orkney, Scotland, after having been sunk in 1917.
Wreck of a World War I German U-Boat off the coast of Belgium has been discovered by maritime archaeologists through reanalysis of sonar scans from an undersea survey carried out in 2014.
Local legend states that a German WW2 U-boat sunk in the Lubie lake, near Złocieniec, North-western Poland. A group of explorers searching for the wreck found a vast array of artefacts.
Researchers explored underwater shipwrecks of four ore carriers sunk off coast of Bell Island, Newfoundland, by German U-boats in 1942.