Roman writing tablets discovered at Vindolanda

A cache of writing tablets, dating to 1st cent. AD, containing secret letters were discovered buried in the ground near the ancient Roman fort of Vindolanda, Northumberland, United Kingdom.
A cache of writing tablets, dating to 1st cent. AD, containing secret letters were discovered buried in the ground near the ancient Roman fort of Vindolanda, Northumberland, United Kingdom.
Archaeologists excavating in the Southern part of Lindisfarne island, United Kingdom, have discovered a small rectangular building thought to be part of the largest and earliest Saxon churches in the area, dated to 635 AD.
Archaeologists discovered an Early Medieval decorated copper bird during excavations of Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, United Kingdom.
Archaeologists discovered a spectacular ancient Roman mosaic along with two building foundations, dozens of pieces of pottery, and weapons at the old factory site near Great Central Street and Highcross Street in Leicester, United Kingdom.
Excavation site in Leicester’s (UK) city centre covered almost two thirds of a Roman city block, revealing remains of a street, and a house once floored with a mosaic.
After nearly 3 years of work archaeologists finally removed last coins from the trove of Celtic coins found in Grouville on Jersey, United Kingdom, in 2012. The trove by then was the largest trove of Celtic coins ever found.